Wednesday 5th July 2023 - US & Canada/Pacific Time 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM

A very important aspect of The Thin Woman's Brain programs is the personalized support included with our plans. Below are the call-in instructions to receive your personalized support during this one hour coaching session. While this is a group session we strive to address your specific question(s). We typically limit each personal interaction to 15 minutes per participant.
Dial your country specific phone number, for example:
o North America +1 (530) 881-1212,
o UK: +44 (0) 330 606 0530,
o Australia +61 (0) 3 8672 0140
When prompted for the meeting number, please enter 426-582-421 followed by the # sign.
The complete list of worldwide dial-in numbers can be found at:
you do not see a
local number for your country, or if you would like to use a voice over IP device - also known as a SKYPE phone - you may do so by clicking on:
Follow the system's prompts until you are connected with the call.
**Please allow 3 to 5 minutes the first time that you use this conference service.**
Once connected to the call, please click on the "green phone" icon on the right side of the dashboard.
Please save or bookmark these instructions!