Discover what generates dopamine for you!
From the list below, select 10 words that make you say YES! the moment you read them. Set aside your analytical mind and choose the words that generate the most tangible shift in your energy level. Trust your instinct, don't question your genuine reactions.
A | H | Q |
Accomplishment | Handsome | Quality |
Achievement | Happiness | Quiet |
Action | Happy | |
Active | Harmonious | R |
Admire | Healing | Reassuring |
Adventure | Healthy | Refreshing |
Amazing | Honorable | Rejoice |
Aptitude | Hug | Reliable |
Attractive | Remarkable | |
Awesome | I | Resounding |
Imaginative | Respected | |
B | Imagine | Restored |
Beautiful | Impressive | Rewarding |
Beauty | Independent | |
Believe | Innovative | S |
Bliss | Instinctive | Safe |
Bountiful | Intelligent | Satisfactory |
Brava | Inventive | Simple |
Brave | Skilled | |
Brilliant | J | Smile |
Jovial | Soulful | |
C | Joy | Sparkling |
Calm | Jubilant | Special |
Certain | Spirited | |
Champion | K | Spiritual |
Charming | Keen | Stirring |
Cheery | Kind | Stunning |
Choice | Kindness | Stupendous |
Classic | Knowledgeable | Success |
Clean | Successful | |
Compassion | L | Sunny |
Connection | Laugh | Superb |
Cool | Learned | Supporting |
Courageous | Legendary | Surprising |
Creative | Light | |
Lively | T | |
D | Lovely | Tenacity |
Dazzling | Luminous | Terrific |
Delightful | Thrilling | |
Divine | M | Thriving |
Marvelous | Tranquil | |
E | Masterful | Transformative |
Ecstatic | Meaningful | Trusting |
Effervescent | Miraculous | |
Effortless | Motivating | U |
Electrifying | Moving | Upbeat |
Elegant | ||
Enchanting | N | V |
Encouraging | Natural | Valued |
Energetic | Now | Vibrant |
Engaging | Nurturing | Victorious |
Enthusiastic | Nutritious | Vigorous |
Exciting | Virtuous | |
Expression | O | Vital |
Exquisite | One-Hundred Percent | Vitality |
Optimistic | Vivacious | |
F | ||
Fabulous | P | W |
Fantastic | Passion | Wealthy |
Friendly | Peaceful | Whole |
Fulfillment | Perspective | Wonderful |
Fun | Phenomenal | Wondrous |
Funny | Pleasurable | Worthy |
Poised | Wow | |
G | Popular | |
Generous | Positive | Y |
Genius | Possibilities | Yes |
Genuine | Powerful | Yummy |
Glamorous | Prepared | |
Glowing | Pretty | Z |
Gorgeous | Principled | Zeal |
Graceful | Productive | Zest |
Grateful | Progress | |
Green | Protected | |
Growing | Proud |
Next Steps:
1. Take your 10 selected words and focus on just one at a time.
2. Using Google images, free stock photography, magazines, or any resources that you find helpful, select 3 images for each of your 10 words.
3. Your selections should move you at a visceral level. Each image should capture the essence of one of your words. Don’t judge yourself, don’t question, just let the spirit move you. It’s not an intellectual exercise; it’s a soul-searching exercise.
4. Create a collage with these 30 images.
5. Journal about the energies, insights, and desires that this collage generates within you when you sit and look at it.
6. If you need help uncovering your personal dopamine sources, or you just want to further explore the imagery in your collage, please book a session with Dilia or one of our coaches.