30 Minutes that could change your weight forever

  • Monday 6th March 2017 - US & Canada/Pacific Time 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM
    When you have failed at yet another diet When you start overeating on day #2 of your diet When you feel hopeless because you’ve tried every single diet known to man and now find yourself at your highest weight Then it might be time to ask a different question: What is the brain difference between naturally thin women and compulsive overeaters? How do I rewire my brain to eat like a naturally thin woman? The paradox is that every single diet works! However it doesn’t work long term for 97% of the population. Typically women become serious about a program such as Thin Woman’s Brain after they succeed and failed on at least 4 diets. Some get to where physiologically they cannot diet anymore. This program is not a lose 10 pounds in 10 days rapid approach, in fact we now know that rapid weight is the fastest way to gain extra weight gain! The TWB is different: • The focus is not merely weight loss but the neurology necessary to achieve and maintain permanent healthy weight! • What is the role of stress in overeating? • What is healthy brain chemistry? • Why do we want to overeat when our bodies doesn’t need nourishment? • What are your personal triggers and how do we dismantle them? • Why is it important to eat whatever you want? • What is the correlation between a good night sleep and overeating? • What is the correlation between exercising and overeating? • I eat fine until xxx, yyy or zzz happens? • I’m an introvert, how is my brain different than that of an extrovert? Some of our program participants have invested thousands upon thousands of dollars in therapy, group sessions, stomach stapling, spa like facilities, etc. Until there is a shift in your brain’s neurology, until food is ceased to be how you attempt to sooth and nurture yourself, no diet in the world will work for you. If you are ready for life long weight loss, join Dilia Suriel, the author of "The Thin Woman's Brain" during 30 minutes that can change your life! Dial your country specific phone number, for example:

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March, 2017